WINNER: Wildwood Film Festival Best Actress: Lucie Arnaz Rising Star Award: Ryan Homcheck Best Supporting Actor: Scott Bryce Best Director: Alyssa Rallo Bennett

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The Pack


Smoking/Non-Smoking (aka The Pack) is a powerful story about a young man who is prosecuting his mother for killing his father via her second-hand smoke. Legally plausible, the story brings to the forefront the complexities and anguish of how any of us can get caught in the cultural and legal shift of our nation.

The question Smoking/Non-Smoking catches us all with is: "What if your behavior was legally accepted for dozens of years and all of a sudden it came into question?"

DIRECTOR: Alyssa Rallo Bennett
SCREENPLAY: Gary O. Bennett & Alyssa Rallo Bennett
PRODUCERS: Alyssa Rallo Bennett & Josselyne Herman Saccio
CAST: Lucie Arnaz, Elisabeth Moss, Zach Galligan, Adam Ferrara, Tibor Feldman, Roger Robinson, Carlos Leon, Ryan Homchick, William C. Mitchell, Angie Martinez, Jennifer McCabe, Michael Pemberton, Angela Pietropinto, Molly Culver, Brooks Hornsby, Charlie Moss, Rick Washburn

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